Daniela's Healthy Mindset Reboot was a real game-changer for me. The pandemic had taken its toll on me being able to envision better habits for myself, and I knew I needed support to navigate what it really was I wanted to do and how I was going to achieve it. That's where Daniela stepped in – from the moment you start the program, she takes you through step by step and helps you really lay out your goals so they're achievable. She is also an incredible accountability partner and friend throughout the process. She keeps things fun and light but also helps you seriously meet your goals, whatever they may be – whether they're related to a fitness goal like do 5 pushups or it's watching less Netflix, Daniela guides you every step of the way. I'd highly recommend Healthy Mindset Reboot to anyone who just feels like they need to reset, start tracking towards their goals, and develop healthier habits and strategies along the way.