this is IT! Dance Party fundraiser
We’re having a virtual dance party - because why the heck not?! Full disclosure, it’s a virtual dance party in honour of my birthday, and I’d love for you to come dance with me AND support XXX
It’s gonna be a fun and silly HIIT dance session as usual and if you want to bust out some clubbing gear (since it’s been in early retirement for the last year and a half) who am I to stop you? Or maybe just go all out with the hair and makeup, it’s really your call. And of course, share with friends and fam because it is a charity event after all!
This is IT! Cardio Dance Party is a full body cardio sweat sesh, with simple and repetitive steps to top 40 BANGERS (past and present!). Jam to the killer playlist (with your camera on or off), follow my steps or heck make up your own! The vibe is: dancing around your place, getting ready for a night out - remember those!?
Class is donation based - the link below will take you to the booking page for a