finding joyful movement for everyBODY.

there is no size "ATHLETE".

size-inclusive fitness.

move well, get stronger.

If you have any sort of history with the diet and fitness world, you know how toxic it can be for people (whether you live in a larger body or not…)

  • Do you find yourself avoiding the gym because you are afraid of what people will think of you?

  • Do you avoid group fitness classes because you don’t want to hear that “bikini body” ready bullshit?

  • Do you find yourself wanting to move your body in a way that feels good both physically and mentally?

  • Do you know there is more to movement than just losing weight?

Then thankfully, you’re in the right place.

Hi! I’m Daniela.

I’m a body neutral advocate, anti-diet champion and HAES*-focused fitness coach in a mid-size fat body. For too long, society made me believe that because of my size, I didn’t belong at the gym or in the fitness industry. During the long journey of self-acceptance and gaining a neutral approach to my body, I learned to say “EFF THAT!” to what people thought of the size of my body or what they believed I was capable of. Now I work full-time to inspire others to take up space in the fitness world. Let’s celebrate your body through movement and explore what staying healthy, strong and finding joy means to you!


  • Personal Training

    We’re experts in fitness, you’re the expert on your body. We’ll keep you moving towards your goals in an inclusive and welcoming space.

  • Group Classes

    You can do hard things. Whether it’s lifting heavy, challenging your heart rate or examining your relationship with your body, you’re capable of so much!

  • On Demand Library

    You’re meant to do great things, inside and outside the gym. In a body neutral space, we focus on the hundreds of other things that are more important than aesthetics.


If you aren’t quite sure if I’m the right trainer for you, let’s Book a Consultation and we can chat

Consultations are 15 minutes and we can go over what you’re looking for in a trainer and how we can work together.

Fill out the form with as much information as possible so I can get a good idea of what you’re looking for before we meet Looking forward to getting to know you!